Social Media: It's necessary! We have the most engagement and interest using Facebook, primarily because of the demographic of users: late 20's and up, including grandparents.
For content on Facebook, the most engagements come from meaningful posts featuring our students and/or faculty. As an example, the photos that feature specific children having a great experience seem to do the best for us, with an engagement factor that usually exceeds 85% of the other posts in their performance. Focus on the photos where you are sharing a personal, meaningful moment in time. I recommend scheduling one of those each week.
Research will tell you to post one to two times per day, and at specific times. Each social media platform is different, so user interaction on Facebook happens at specific times, in contrast to the 'best practices' for Instagram, Twitter or SnapChat, for instance.Here's a fantastic and quick read about social media posting recommendations:
Timing is everything: The goal is optimum viewing, so we schedule posts on Facebook for 9/9:30 and 3/3:30 during the week, and 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. on the weekends. I have gotten in the habit of creating the posts on Sunday afternoon/evening, for the entire week. I map out what I want to distribute that week, and I can then schedule the posts for specific days and times to stay in front of people throughout the week.
Not a designer? No problem! Create cool images in Canva for a professional impact. See below for a few examples.
Here's an example of what you might see from us on Facebook over the course of a week or two:
Monday: Feature a fun student performance photo in the morning, and an event reminder in the afternoon.
Tuesday: Practice tip Tuesday in the morning, and a non-music related video or fun post in the afternoon. Maybe a joke!
Wednesday: Photo or 15 second video of a cute teaching moment in the morning, and a differentiation point in the afternoon.
Thursday: Weekend event reminder supporting a local group in the morning, and reminding our base we offer a $50 referral for new students.
Friday: Why Study Music or a Differentiation point in the morning, and probably a Faculty/Teacher promotion in the afternoon.
Saturday: Non-music related video or fun post. Maybe a joke in the morning, and a local event reminder or "Facebook Live" video supporting the community.
Sunday: Teacher Feature in the morning and an engaging question in the afternoon, or another Teacher promotion featuring something cool they are doing.
Boosting a post: Here is a great article on boosting a post for Facebook from Ko Marketing - We typically boost posts that featuring a magical moment of some sort, and have gotten several new students this way.
Above all else, know your audience! Use a mixture of promotion (necessary,) cute kid photos, faculty highlights, event updates and useful content.